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    Fushen Group Co., Ltd. is a well-known domestic garment manufacturer developed from the Fushen Garment Company established in 1990. It is the vice chairman unit of the Men's Clothing Professional Committee of the China Garment Association.

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    In the journey of change and search, Fushen insists on developing through innovation, taking brand men's clothing as the guide, extending to diversified fields, laying out the future, and planning for a hundred years!

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    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.

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    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.


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    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.


    Contact Fushen

    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.

MARC O'POLO SS20防晒系列,穿出夏天时髦感

Source: Time:2020-04-20 00:51:08 views:


立夏过后,防晒衣逐渐被重视起来。尽管防晒霜、遮阳伞已经是都市男女的夏日必备,但一件防晒又好看的外套,会为高温出行增添更多的安全感和时尚感。MARC O'POLO 2020春夏新款男女防晒外套,正是当下季节里众多时髦精的清凉选项。 材质——如同“第二层皮肤” MARC O'POLO SS20防晒系列休闲外套,筛选出了质地轻薄的柔软面料,吸湿、舒弹且透气,亲肤感如同自身“第二层皮肤”。如果行走在炎炎烈日下,可以将防晒外套自带的帽子戴上,头部防晒轻松Get。

设计——区别于传统防晒服 除了经典大方的连帽处理,从设计感上来说,MARC O'POLO SS20防晒系列休闲外套还有不少可圈可点之处。 比如,这一系列的内里做了包边设计,更加精致,且不磨皮肤。 又比如,可自行收纳的设计,让这一系列的防晒衣散发出了MARC O'POLO特有的极简风味道。男款的后背和女款的左手口袋均内含玄机,自带收纳袋,可以将整衣折叠成随身小包收纳,非常方便携带。 此外,女款设计匠心独运,和市面上的传统防晒服大不相同。中长款可以对腿部也进行保护;腰部添加腰绳,收腰效果明显,更加凸显身材;肩部抽褶和细节处的织带拼接,体现了女性于细微处的精致。

功能——防晒防蚊虫防泼水 MARC O'POLO SS20防晒系列休闲外套采用了来自Archroma®的尖端技术,兼具防紫外线和防泼水等功能,不但保护皮肤,还易于清洁打理。 另外,由于这一系列服装面料的主要成分是合成除虫菊酯,对蚊虫、蝇、尘螨等具有高效的驱避作用,因此还具备防蚊虫功能,安全无异味。

MARC O'POLO是起源于瑞典斯德哥尔摩的高端时尚休闲品牌,产品采用优质面料并以精湛工艺制成,外形与风格均流露休闲随性。目前,MARC O'POLO SS20春夏系列新品已全面上市,时髦精们可以通过品牌的线上、线下店铺购买,体味MARC O'POLO的独特个性和回归自然的自由精神。

Fushen Group Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 备案号:粤ICP备15116549号 网站建设:惠州北易